Friday, November 9, 2012


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Wednesday, 07 November 2012 22:04

US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden (second right, front) wave to the crowd at election night rally in Chicago yesterday. PHOTOS | AFP
Washington. Barack Obama brought his sophisticated social media campaign to an emotional climax, proclaiming his victory on Twitter and Facebook just as TV networks were breaking the news.

Obama overcame the burden of a slow economic recovery and high unemployment to beat Republican foe Mitt Romney after a relentless get-out-the-vote push on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and other platforms.

“This happened because of you. Thank you,” he tweeted to his 22 million followers just minutes after the first US network called his victory, in an indication of the importance he attached to social networks in his campaign.

“Four more years,” he said straight afterwards, posting a photo of himself hugging First Lady Michelle Obama as other TV networks followed suit and, one-by-one, announced his re-election as 44th President of the United States.
The post was his most re-tweeted - 472,000 shares in three hours - according to Twitter’s politics account @gov. It was also the most popular ever, topping a message from singer Justin Bieber, website BuzzFeed said.
The same picture of a happy, serene-looking Obama hugging his wife appeared on the president’s Facebook account -- and was shared tens of thousands of times by some of his 32 million fans.

Netizens flocked to social networks to congratulate the re-elected President as did British Prime Minister David Cameron.
“We did it, we voted for you, now please dear president Obama do what you said you will do, make us proud: Education, Health Care, Green Energy for USA!,” Ms Angela De Jesus said under the photo, one of 80,700 comments.
“Warm congratulations to my friend @BarackObama. Look forward to continuing to work together,” Mr Cameron tweeted during a visit to the Middle East.

Social networks have emerged as key tools in the months-long US presidential campaign, with both Obama and Romney staging major pushes on these popular platforms to draw in supporters and get them to go out and vote.(AFP)

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